
And so the year ends. December was mild and very wet. We are having an El Nino winter which usually means the snows come in February and March. We will have to see what happens in 2024. The garden, of course, is dormant, but the wildlife still visits. 

A bluebird waiting for the mealworms to be put out
Deer in the field
Heavy rains a week apart – 3 inches one week, and 4 the next left a mini pond in the field
The cypress seedling does not mind the wet at all
The beavers along the Nashua River are liking the high water
Some people have all their ducks in a row – I have swans
More deer
A Pileated woodpecker hammering away at the stump
A gardening friend built this new design bluebird house as a Christmas gift – thanks Alan
Bluebirds and a Red-bellied woodpecker on the feeders outside my window
And to round out the year, I am tooting my horn and that of my garden club. I wrote and published a 162 page history of the club. Check out our website if you wish to learn more.

It has been a difficult year for many. Gardening is my way of finding some solace. Happy New Year to all my gardening friends.

One thought on “December

  1. Its only 3 days into the new year, and I already I need to make a correction! The Garden Club History book was not a solo project by any means. I had a lot of help from many club members who read through all the archives, took notes on the contents, edited the drafts, set-up the templates for data entry, found a publisher, took the cover photo, and worked on layout.

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