End of August

This is not a time for my garden to shine. I haven’t weeded or deadheaded. I have hardly even looked at the plants. Its either been hot or rainy, or we have been away for a few days. I know the cool weather will return, and I will have ambition again. There are plans to dig out an overgrown area, divide and relocate some Japanese iris, and remove some other under performers. Whether these plans make it to fruition or not depends on my creaky old shoulders, the cooperation of the weather, and if I feel like bothering with the whole project. Some gardening years are like that. We will see.

In the meantime, I ran outside for a few pix the other day between storms. At least, I haven’t had to drag hoses around, and in the grand scheme of things I don’t have anything to complain about.

Daylily seed pods
Spider webs
Anemone ‘September Charm’
Roses after the rain storm

So that’s about it for now. The asters and mums will start blooming soon, and hopefully I’ll have some autumn garden projects to share as well.

August – It is Tropical

Its been hot and humid the last few days and feeling pretty tropical. My garden is beginning to look like a jungle since I haven’t bothered weeding or deadheading or much else lately. So although I may have retreated indoors to the AC for a bit, my plants don’t seem to mind the juicy air. In fact, some of them are pretty darn happy.

Elephant ears
Bigger elephant ears
Portulaca – hot colors
More portulaca
Hibiscus – burgundy in the foreground, white with burgundy center behind it
Rose of Sharon – not really tropical but it looks that way
Brugmansia ‘Jean Pasco’, two flavors of Agapanthus, with some coleus and cypress seedlings

The dahlias are doing fine. I still have daylilies, shasta daisies, heliopsis, and phlox blooming too. I have plenty of color, now I just need a little pleasant weather so I can get out and enjoy the garden.