April 2023 – Crevice garden

Happy Spring. The tulips and daffodils are blooming, bluebirds are nesting, bloodroots are blossoming and trillium and epimediums are budding. It is an early spring this year. After reading Kenton Seth and Paul Spriggs book “The Crevice Garden” this winter, I decided I needed to build one. A garden club friend had lots of rocks he wanted to get rid of so I went to his house and loaded up the SUV. I had 3 yards of screened topsoil delivered. I went to a local landscaping business and bought chipped stone for the top dressing. The next task was to dig out the plants that were in the space. I had astilbe, perennial mums, siberian iris, thread-leaf coreopsis, dianthus, and betony in the area. All had become overgrown and too large so I dug them, split them and potted them up for my garden club’s plant sale in May.

Side view of the area before digging plants out
Front view
Front view with stone lined up and plants potted up for sale
All plants out, starting to add new dirt, rocks lined up to go in
First rocks placed – front view
First rocks placed – side view
First section of rocks finished , soil added between crevices – more rocks needed
Second section of the area completed and crevices filled with dirt and tamped down
I dug some plants from my alpine garden and troughs and other areas of the garden and started transplanting into the crevices
Front view of garden with some plants and top dressing of gravel
Side view of garden with some plants and top dressing of gravel applied
Close-up view of a few plants

I need some more plants but it is a start. Stay tuned….