Mid August-Mid September

It rained. And then it rained some more. And then it was hot and humid. I didn’t get much gardening done other than a bit of weeding and cutting back daylily scapes. Hurricane Lee is passing well east of us as I write, cooler air coming, and hopefully I can get out and do some fall transplanting. On the bright side, at least I didn’t have to haul hoses and sprinklers around.

I really like this combo of lambs ears, rudbeckia, gaura, coneflowers, astilbe seedheads, phlox, sedums and amsonia foliage
Still some good color. Smokebush needs a haircut
The brugmansia put out a late season flush
Close-up of the brugmansia blossoms – so beautiful and so fragrant
Vintage pink dahlias
Vintage red dahlias
A new dahlia for me this year
Hydrangeas loved all the extra rain
Morning glories climbing up the bird feeder pole
A very foggy morning in the meadow
Crevice garden doing well
Orostachys doing their “dunce cap” thing in the crevice garden
Early morning visit from the fox. The chipmunk population is way way down this year

That’s all for now. Fall foliage should be starting soon….