Snowbird gardening – March 2022

I haven’t posted in awhile as you may have noticed. We are spending some time away from winter. I eagerly await the gardening season in New England but its not quite there yet. I’ve been doing a bit of gardening though. I like to grow my own cilantro and have two containers of it which are doing quite well and have already been harvested a couple times.

I also have started some Brugmansia cuttings. You may remember the big beautiful yellow cultivar “Jean Pasco” which I have been growing for at least 10 years now and the photos I post in the summer. Every winter, I cut it back so I can get it into the basement for overwintering. I had over a dozen cuttings this year and gave some away, but I brought some to Florida with me to give to my daughter-in-law and some Florida friends. The cuttings are doing great.

I also received permission from our landlord to plant a couple of cuttings here. It will be fun to see what they look like next winter.

More later