End of June

Its been hot, its been chilly, its been wet, its been dry, typical New England. The robins fledged, and the first batch of wrens fledged but they are building again. The bluebirds are building again too. So we will have more entertainment. The varmints continue to do their thing. The baby rabbits are cute but oh so destructive!

Baby bunny hiding in the clover
Comfrey and salvia
Meadow grasses

I have eight different Iris Ensata. They need to be divided. I have decided that I will dig them in the fall and move to the wet spot where we used to have a willow. I have one ensata there now which is flourishing, and I think I will dig out the lilies and siberian iris that are also in that spot, and then I will put all the ensatas in that area. In the meantime, here are two that are blooming now.

Hanakaido Pink
Frilled Enchantment
Tiger Lily – the voles got all my gorgeous cream and burgundy ones.
Rose campion in the meadow

We went to our cabin in Maine for a long weekend. The orchids in the bog were all blooming – both pink and white

The daylilies have begun blooming and they will be the focus for July. Let the fireworks begin!


It been a roller coaster month. Really hot and dry then cool and rainy. Critters galore. The rabbits continue to munch on some favorites. The bluebirds fledged and the robins and wrens are about ready to go. Deer circumvent the perimeter of the meadow. Chipmunks are everywhere now. Fireflies were out the other night. The praying mantis egg cases hatched and the polliwogs turned into frogs. Life goes on.