New Year’s Eve

The last few weeks have been pretty dull in the garden – except for the birds! We put out mealworms and the birds have been a delight to watch. We have had a flock of bluebirds 8-10 at a time, carolina wrens, woodpeckers, starlings (not my favorite), chickadees, titmice, nuthatches, juncos, cardinals, finches, sparrows and doves. What a treat. The feeders are just a few feet from the house so we can watch the birds up close. We had a bit of an ice storm as well and the world was all sparkly magic!

May the bluebirds of happiness visit your gardens as well in 2022.

Happy New Year

Late November – Early December

My apologies for the lapse in posting but I needed to resolve a few more computer and camera issues. I spent most of November cleaning up the garden, putting away patio and porch furniture and getting the new hot tub area ready for the tub. We decided to purchase one so that we could soak our creaky bones and achy muscles. We have had it a month and its great. I think this gardener will really enjoy the hard work of spring a lot more now. In the meantime – ahhh some R&R.

Partially cut back garden in November

The mowed meadow

Garden bench
Beaver lodge we encountered on a local walk
Ice patterns
Deer in the garden
First snow with bluebirds

We put mealworms out for the bluebirds and wow did that bring them in. We have had a flock of 7-8 of them every day for weeks now. The feeders are right outside the living room window – only about 6 feet away.

The above photo is the view at the end of my street. Some snow is expected this weekend so perhaps we will have a white Christmas. TIme will tell