
July is the season of daylilies in my garden. They provide lots of color, require minimal maintenance and do well in drought. Which we have. July has been very hot and very dry. I spend most of my time hauling hoses around.

This is the “big picture” taken from the second floor of the house
An unknown name but very vigorous bloomer
“Techny Spider”
“Peggy Jeffcoat”
A wall of color
Magenta and pink astilbe which I just dug up and gave away much of it
Cimicifuga (white) and Thalictrum (pink)
Dad’s dahlias
Orchid cactus
A bunny lounging on the stone bench
Two spotted fawns following their mom into the woods

Hopefully the drought pattern will change in August. Between the drought, heat and varmints (voles, chipmunks, rabbits, deer and a groundhog) gardening has been a challenge this year.