
Its fairyland in the garden. I meant to post more photos but rain, wind, and yes, snow squalls etc. got the better of me. Here’s what’s been happening over the last couple of weeks.

Trillium pulsillum “Roadrunner”
Trillium sulcatum
Lathyrus vernus and Trillium luteum
Primula, epimedium, trillium, solomon’s seal
Epimedium “Queen Esta”
Epimedium “Domino”
Primula and Fritillaria
Columbines in the Alpine garden
Androsace primula chumbyi
Forget-me-nots and emerging hosta in the hill
Tufa trough with Silene aucaulis blooming
Dwarf bearded iris
Bluebird eggs
Baby chipmunk

I think we have had our last frost, so now I can get to planting the vegetable garden.