
Spring has sprung. We have returned from the sunny south and the garden is waking up.

Forsythia blooming
Lupine in the meadow
Primroses, Pulmonaria, Pink Corydalis
Pink corydalis and Hepatica
Pink form Bloodroot
Daffodils are especially abundant this year

The above photos are the nice things that are happening. Unfortunately, I discovered that my 3 orange deciduous rhododendrons are covered in scale. Absolutely covered. I decided I needed to remove them. I started with the chainsaw and broke the chain. Then I moved on to the sawzall. That worked pretty well. I decided to leave one plant to see if it will make a come back and “hoick out” the other two.


Downside: a sore back and two beautiful shrubs gone. Upside: lots of space to move crowded plants into. The grass is getting green. The epimedium are almost ready to pop and …….we might have snow on Friday. The gardener sighs.