
It has been quite a month. We started with drought but finally got a few good rain storms and things are getting green again. The high temperatures are gone and the weather is good for gardening again. Nights are cool, leaves are starting to change and autumn is here.

Sedum “Autumn Joy”
The bluebirds returned
The hummingbirds tanked up and left for the season
A bit of color still
The Brugmansia finally bloomed
Allium, sedum, iris foliage, verbena and gaura add to the color palette
Three visitors
Maples changing color along the Nashua River Oxbows
Autumn blooming crocus “Waterlily”
Another variety of Autumn blooming crocus

The colors will change markedly over the next month. The gardening season is winding down. There is much to do to prepare for winter. But there is time to get it done. I have friends and family in Florida facing destruction of their gardens from Hurricane Ian. I have other friends facing life altering medical challenges. My gardens sustain me. As always, it is important to stop and savor the beauty around us as long as we can since it can be gone in a flash. Be well, dear gardeners


There isn’t much to write about this month because of the drought. It was hot, it was humid and it was dry. The thunderstorms mostly missed us. We hauled hoses and watered as much as we could. No lawn watering is allowed but we can hand water gardens. So that’s what we’re doing and hopefully we won’t lose any plants.

Foliage for color and a hibiscus
A mushroom on the maple tree
Brugmansia blossom

Here’s hoping September will bring us some rain