End of October, early November

I think I’m back in business. I am finally able to post again after a few weeks of computer and cellphone issues. I have a few nice foliage pix to share with you, but not many flowers. We had some frost, so the dahlias are dug, dried and put away for the winter. I cut back the brugmansia and that has been brought inside. Most of the perennials are cut back now too. The meadow has been mowed, porch and patio furniture put away, and pots emptied out. We have a few more chores to do outside and then winter can come.

This was the orange sunrise on Halloween
We lost a huge willow in a nor’easter. It was obviously very rotten
Some nice reds
So many colors all on one branch
Grass is still green
Frosty morning
Last rose with hips
Front yard color
Mowed meadow in the late afternoon light
Sunset after the most recent rain storm

Soon the snows will come and the garden will rest. I can use one too!.