
April showers are here.  We returned home from sunny Florida to rather gray and cool weather here.  Typical spring and we even had a bit of snow.  An assessment of the garden revealed the usual rabbit and deer munching over the winter. Grrrr…..This past weekend was warm, and a few blossoms are peeking out.  There were even a few crocuses that the rabbits missed.  Bluebirds are house shopping and we had a visit from an owl.  I hope the owl stays here and enjoys some rodent dinners!

This view shows the newly cleared area that used to be solid forsythia hedge.  I know there won’t be many yellow blossoms this year, but the wildflowers will love the new area.


Fishing line to keep the deer away, chicken wire cages to keep rabbits away from the tulips


Epimedium starting to poke through


My sister gave me a whole lot of trillium corms for my birthday.  I planted them last fall and some are coming up!


Hyacinths pushing up the ground


An early saxifraga in one of the troughs


A pink corydalis from friend Kim


Someone is watching…..


This is the area where we “hoicked” out the lilac last fall.  Lots of space to move things into after the winter deer fence gets put away.


And lastly, first dinner on the porch.  It must be spring now.
