Late May – early June 2024: A new flower in the garden

Her name is Frances aka “Franny”. She came to us 3 weeks ago when her owner became ill, and Franny needed a new home. She is nine years old and needs to trim down but is adjusting beautifully. She is very well behaved, stays out of the garden and lounges quietly nearby while I weed or dig or water. Many of you will recall that our previous Labrador, Esther, passed away 4 years ago – it is wonderful to have a dog in the house again.

Franny in the grass
Snoozing in the afternoon
Tree peony
Iris, Heuchera, Dictamus (gas plant), Comfrey “Axminster gold”, orange azalea,
Peony “Early Scout”, Siberian Iris “Kiss the Girl”
Pink bearded iris “Beverly Sills”
Butterfly on “Kiss the Girl”
Louisiana Iris “Black Gamecock”
Crevice Garden
Ice plants at the edge of the crevice garden

Spring has been beautiful and the plants have done well. I am hoping for a summer that is neither drought nor constant rain for a change. Everything seems really big this year. The daylilies are going to be amazing!

2 thoughts on “Late May – early June 2024: A new flower in the garden

  1. ‘Beverly Sills’! That was the only pink bearded iris that I ever grew, the only bearded iris that I ever purchased, and also the only bearded iris that I gave away without retaining any. I got it after my experience with ‘The Colors Of Karma’. I liked the name because it is only one letter different from Brent’s neighborhood. Then, I felt guilty about purchasing it and putting it in the same garden with all my important iris. What was worse was that I was not so keen on it with all those other rich and bright colors, so ultimately gave it all away to neighbors. Nonetheless, it is still gratifying to see it appreciated in other gardens.

    ‘Black Gamecock’ is my first Louisiana iris, which I got from Tangly Cottage Gardening. Sadly, the first batch was almost completely eaten by gophers.

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